8th Grade Dance Information

The 8th grade dance is right around the corner on May 10th! This is a great event to celebrate 8th graders and is only made possible with donations from the PTO and families. 

If you would like to volunteer to set up and work at the dance, click here:


If you would like to donate food items for the dance, click here (Bring items to the office by May 7th):


If you would like to donate money to pay for pizza and other snacks at the dance, click here:



Date: May 10th (half day of school)

Time: 6:00-8:30pm

Location: CJH gym and cafeteria

Dress: Formal 

Cost: $0 (no need to bring the invitation)

There will be a DJ for dancing and small carnival games. Pizza, pop and candy provided at no cost.

*Yard signs and CG blankets will be available for pick up (if pre ordered) from 5:45-6:30pm. There will be a limited amount for sale that night. 

*Please be patient when picking up your students at the end of the night and use the carline like a normal school pick up at the front entrance. Students cannot walk through the parking lot to meet parents.